Gordon Duff: 9/11 Unraveling within Congress — Saudis and Israel and Bush-Cheney in the Headlights

UPDATE 18 Mar 14: See also Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence + NEW Information + Comment by Robert Steele + List of Advance Warnings from Over 13 Countries ‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’ Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history. The story was simple, two American …

Susan Lindauer: YouTube (9:52) — RT Interview on How Bush and Cheney Both Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened

“Breaking the Set:” Bush &  Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower Charged Under Patriot Act (Video) By Susan Lindauer Abby Martin is one of the best interviewers I have ever encountered in the corporate media. Abby has guts and smarts. Our interview on “Breaking the Set” was ground-breaking for not flinching …

Review: Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror

Paul Vallely and Thomas McInerney 1.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Guide to Morons in Power, June 19, 2013 This is the single best book for understanding what morons in power think when they pretend to think but are actually pursuing ideological and financial objectives far removed from the public interest. The authors, who demonstrate …

Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11

 100 Critical Points About 9/11 By “Tommy” Introduction/Challenge to ‘Debunkers’: It’s time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these ‘nonsense conspiracy theories’ about 9/11. Ideally, I’m hoping for a 1-4 …

Mongoose: 9/11 Treason, Plain and Simple? — The Answers — Including Nuclear — Keep Coming to the Surface — Rumsfeld-Cheney Key, But Subordinate to Bush Senior and a Financial Cabal

From a human source I’ve named SLOW PITCH.  Original World Trade Center was built in 1966-1967.  Larry Silverstein was present at the creation, including the six story underground footings that may or may not have included an “end of life” explosive solution.  Personally I doubt the nuclear option as a one-size solution.  Much more likely …

Mini-Me: Murder of 9/11 Author & Former Pilot — and Kids, and Dog

Author works on new 9/11 book, winds up dead in the desert Open Salon, 27 February 2013 The author of a recent book that questions the official story of 9/11 was found dead earlier this month–along with his teen-age son and daughter and the family dog–at their home in the desert community of Murphys, California. …

Richard Wright: LtCol Shaffer (Able Danger, Operation Dark Heart) Accuses George Tenet of Shutting Down Able Danger, Stealing DoD Penetrations of Al Qaeda, and Lying to Congress

Another odd tale of 9/11. Ex-Army Officer Accuses CIA of Obstructing Pre-9/11 Intelligence-Gathering Sunday, 20 January 2013 07:46 By Paul Church and Ray Nowosielski, Truthout Offering new revelations about the CIA’s role in shutting down military intelligence penetration of al-Qaeda, Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer joins a growing list of government officials accusing former CIA director …