Jackie Salit: Obama & The Independents — Comment by Robert Steele on Why Independents — and Paulistas and Greens — Remain Irrelevant

Obama and Independents: The Micro, the Macro and the Forest by Jacqueline Salit The Obama campaign team did everything right. That’s the consensus among journalists, consultants, and the political class. I’ve watched some of them literally swoon over maps of the 50 states showing how the President’s campaign surgically identified pockets of “blue voters”, marooned …

Yoda: Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction

With them, Force is. Ethiopian kids hack OLPCs in 5 months with zero instruction What happens if you give a thousand Motorola Zoom tablet PCs to Ethiopian kids who have never even seen a printed word? Within five months, they’ll start teaching themselves English while circumventing the security on your OS to customize settings and …

John Steiner: Michael Bloomberg Super-PAC – Fourth Ring in the Bloomber Circus

Bloomberg Starts ‘Super PAC,’ Seeking National Influence Seeking to reshape a national political debate he finds frustratingly superficial, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York is plunging into the 2012 campaign in its final weeks, creating his own “super PAC” to direct millions of dollars in donations to elect candidates from both parties who he …

Paul Craig Roberts: Both Parties See Citizens as Disposable

 The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable Institute for Political Economy, 7 September 2012 If political conventions are ranked on a one to ten scale for intelligence, I give the Republican Convention zero and the Democrats one. How can the United States be a superpower when both political parties are unaware of …

Former Comptroller General David Walker, Wall Street Trojan Horse, Rides Again – The Bus Tour to Distract the Public From Electoral Reform

UPDATED 8 August 2012 with comments from Common Cause, others. Buyer Beware – A New York Shill Takes to the Highway The Hon. David M. Walker, former U.S. Comptroller General, today announced a first-of-its-kind national bus tour to engage Americans about our nation’s deteriorating financial condition ­ and show them what they can do to …

John Steiner: Bob Burnett on Renewing Democracy, Shifting Paradigm and Open Letter from Robert Steele

Renewing Democracy: Shifting the Paradigm Bob Burnett Huffington Post, 27 July 2012 Thomas Jefferson believed in renewing democracy by regularly shifting the dominant social paradigm.  Jefferson argued that constitutions should be rewritten every generation, declaring the ³dead should not govern the living.² That explains why contemporary Americans are so fractious: we¹re overdue for a new …