Worth a Look: Framing the Net – The Internet and Human Rights

‘Rikke Frank Jorgensen has given us a thoughtful and competent contribution to a debate of increasing global importance. Her theoretical analysis and practical case-study stimulate critical reflection on how we should connect the primary moral domain of our time – human rights – with the primary infrastructure for global communication, the Internet. This book is …

Eagle: New March on Washington for Civil Rights + Black Liberation RECAP

New March on Washington focuses on modern civil rights WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands gathered today on the nation’s “front yard,” the National Mall near the Lincoln Memorial, yearning for a bit of the transcendent sense of racial unity heralded on this spot by Martin Luther King 50 years ago in his “I Have a …

Koko: US Uranium Mining on Tribal Lands — Poisoning the Bread Basket, Decades of Human Rights and Health Abuses

Sad. America’s Secret Fukushima Poisoning the Bread Basket of the World Margaret Flowers and Devin Zeese truthout, 5 June 2013 Early in the morning of July 16, 1979, a 20-foot section of the earthen dam blocking the waste pool for the Church Rock Uranium Mill in New Mexico caved in and released 95 million gallons of …

Penguin: Commercial Co-Optation (Corruption) of Civil Rights & Non-Profits Across USA — and Mayor Bloomberg Did the Right Thing?

This trend is about to continue and we can expect more and more technological solutions that are tailored to the HLS needs. In many cases the industries, especially in Israel, “teach” the market what it needs. This may look a twisted process, but it is not. On the contrary, This is a very healthy trend …

Mini-Me: Scorecard on USA Lost Constitutional Rights and Bonus from Senator Lindsey Graham, 4,700 Killed by US Drones

Huh?  Huh? Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost? How Many Constitutional Freedoms Do We Still Have? Preface: While a lot of people talk about the loss of our Constitutional liberties, people usually speak in a vague, generalized manner … or focus on only one issue and ignore the rest. This post explains the …

Richard Falk: The Future of International Law and Human Rights

The Future of International Law and Human Rights An Interview With Richard Falk by CIHAN AKSAN and JON BAILES Richard A. Falk is professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University and an appointee to two United Nations positions on the Palestinian territories. He has authored, edited or contributed to 40 books, including The Great …

Berto Jongman: Johan Galtung Keynote to UN Human Rights Council – Twelve Theses for Creating a New Equitable World That Works for All

Peace, human rights and development in multi-polar and evolving world Johan Galtung TMS, 2 October 2012 Keynote Speech at the UN Human Rights Council SOCIAL FORUM – Oct 1, 2012 Your Excellencies! The title for this Sixth Social Forum – in the context of the 10 Articles of the UN Declaration on the Right to …