Robert Steele: Peace in the Middle East – Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More (Trump Revolution 30)

Peace in the Middle East Denuclearizing Israel, Restoring Palestine, and More Robert David Steele Russian International Affairs Council 18 May 2018 Everybody has this wrong – Trump is not bluffing and he is not Netanyahu’s puppet. What has really happened here is that Xi, Trump, and Putin agreed over a year ago to take down …

Amazon Kindle: Koreas Unite, Denuclearize, Middle East Next – After a Global Financial Reset – Ideas for Iran (Trump Revolution Book 29)

This thirteen page document with 35 endnotes and close to 50 links, discusses the elements of the global financial reset that is occurring this week, and that will set the stage for a “big fix” in the Middle East. It provides a strategic information operations concept for Iran to consider that stomps down hard on …

Berto Jongman: Amy Chua on Tribalism as Death of the American Empire

Revenge of the tribes: How the American Empire could fall Yale professor Amy Chua has two precautionary tales for Americans, and their names are Libya and Iraq. “We’re starting to see in America something that I’ve seen in other countries that is not good,” says Chua. “We don’t want to go there. We don’t want …

Kevin Barrett: Did Israel Do the Mosque Massacre in Egypt?

This strikes me as the most plausible scenario. Dick Eastman of Washington State sends: THIS BOMB ATTACK ON A MOSQUE IN EGYPT WAS DEFINITELY DONE BY Israeli Operatives and the half Egyptian and  Moroccan Jew Al Sisi KNOWS that. Keeping Egypt under threat and fear and of course inciting Egyptians believe that perhaps Hamas are behind …

Robert Steele: War in the Middle East [in February 2018]… A strategic survey of possibilities, winners, losers… (Trump Revolution 19)

Israel Plans War in February 2018 We now know that Benjamin Netanyahu believes he can command the votes in the US Congress to declare war and demand that our Secretary of Defense James Mattis introduce US forces including troops on the group in support of an Israeli and Saudi Arabian war on Iran, Lebanon, and …