Stephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intlelligence Fakery and BigTech #GoogleGestapo Architecture of Surveillance

An Artificial Intelligence Doubter: Remarkable The often cynical and always irreverent Piekniewski’s blog has posted another perspective of the AI field in, “AI Update, Late 2019 – Wizards of Oz.” AI and deep learning scholar Filip Piekniewski has made a habit of issuing take-downs of AI propaganda, and this time he takes aim at self-driving …

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Investigation of FANG / #GoogleGestapo / BigTech Begins to Ramp Up….

Certain Tech Giants Under Scrutiny for Potential Anti-Competitive Practices Apparently, the feds have been asking Oracle for dirt on their rival. The Register reports, “Oracle: Yeah, We’ve Had a Bunch of G-Men Come Sniffing Around Asking Questions About Google.” Writer John Oates reveals: . . . This news comes amid a push by the DOJ, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Blocking Google & Complete List of Alternatives to Each of Google’s Many Services

Targeting 101: Disabling Google and Finding Software Alternatives I read “Completely Block Google and Its Services.” If you are concerned about Google’s data policies, you may want to read the article and follow the instructions in the pihole-google.txt file. It appears that there are more than 7,000 services which Google uses to obtain one’s personal …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon the New NSA Post-Google Mass Surveillance Empire?

AT&T: Amazon Telephone & Telegraph The Bell heads are dazed with the ringing in their ears. The “real” news out Thomson Reuters published “Amazon Interested in Buying Boost from T-Mobile, Sprint.” Amazon’s chief bulldozer driver Jeff Bezos has a sixth sense for creating buzz, generating distraction, and whipping stakeholders into a frenzy of upside. According …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Defines “Relevance” as “Pay to Play” #GoogleGestapo

Google: What Does Relevance Mean? Here’s the question for you: “What’s relevance?” The answer — if I understand the allegedly true information in “Google Creates ‘Dedicated Placement’ in Search results for AMP Stories, Starting with Travel Category” — is what Google decides you may see. Phi Beta Iota: Google is  corrupt to the bone.  It …