WAR: Massive Build Up at Diego Garcia Aimed at Russia & Syria? – Not Declared by Congress — the Last Gasp of a Mad Criminal Presidency? The Clinton Foundation’s Final “Pay to Play” Deliverable to Saudi Arabia and Israel?

Tip of the Hat to Antechinus Part I: US gearing up for false flag attack blamed on Russia that enables a massive attack on Syria that can pivot against Russia. This is outright criminal insanity.  “Something Big Is Underway On All Fronts“ Part II: An eye witness report on the massive build up of bombers, …

Worth a Look: Guilty as Sin – Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation

In his astonishing new book, Klein uncovers the real story behind Hillary’s email scandals and the dirty political games that have kept her one step ahead of the law – for now. Klein reveals what the FBI’s team of 150+ investigators really found on Clinton’s server. How Comey originally threatened to resign over White House …

Berto Jongman: Benghazi – Leon Panetta Lied, Clinton Refused Pentagon Offer of Timely Help

NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!! An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces …

Berto Jongman: Hillary Clinton Proven Traitor — the Killer Email Showing She Helped Create ISIS in Partnership with Saudi Arabia and Qatar

IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined… Today Wikileaks released what is, by far, the most devastating leak of the entire campaign.  This makes Trump’s dirty talk video looks like an episode of Barney and Friends. Even though when Trump called Hillary the ‘founder’ of ISIS he …

Did Clinton Have a Stroke? Will Biden Replace Her? Game Plan for Biden Winning by Championing Reform & Engaging Main Street

UPDATE: Former DNC chairman calls for Clinton contingency plan (Politico) UPDATE: Will Hillary Clinton Drop Out? How Joe Biden Could Become The Next Democratic President (International Business Times) Phi Beta Iota: The media could not be more worthless. Clinton is not suffering from pneumonia, all video and historical evidence points to a severe stroke, rapid …