Eagle: Consumer manipulation pace set by casinos with confusion by design; addictiveness by design; and use of play money

Casinos’ worrying knack for consumer manipulation The spread of machine gambling offers a portent of other economic developments Tim Harford, Undercover Economist What if the future of capitalism is not to be found in Shenzhen, Abu Dhabi or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab – but in the Nevada desert? Natasha Dow Schüll, an …

Stephen E. Arnold: Visual Mining Tool Redesign

Visual Mining Redesign   We are familiar with Visual Mining and its range of dashboard and data visualization software. Currently, Visual Mining has been working on products that help users better understand and analyze actionable business data. Its enterprise software line NetCharts is compatible across all platforms, including mobile and tablets. The company recently released …

Stephen E. Arnold: Human Creativity Key for Big Data Design & Exploitation

Creativity is Key for Data Scientists Hmm, does this defy the easy-big-data narrative? VentureBeat warns us, “The Data Is Not Enough: Creative Data Scientists Make the Difference.” Not only is there a shortage of data scientists in general, we are now told firms would do well to find data scientists graced with creativity. How pesky. …

Jean Lievens: How to Design for the Sharing Economy

How To Design For The Sharing Economy How do you create the next Zipcar, Netflix, or Airbnb? Follow these five rules, from Artefact’s Lada Gorlenko. The definition of ownership is changing. We are becoming less interested in owning products and accumulating wealth through long-term purchases. Instead, we crave experiences, seeking out things without much of …

Owl: The Gestapoization of Local Police — Brutal & Stupid by Design — Entrapment & Repression Instead of Trust & Security

As Balko demonstrates in a long excerpt from his book, Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces, published in Salon, the incident described below, plus innumerable incidents of police extreme, overwhelming and excessive violence, are not rising due to a few bad apples and rogue cops, but rather to a much …

Berto Jongman: Wireless Mesh Networking — Design for Freedom

DIY Tech Explored In Free The Network The Creators Project Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies At the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City, Motherboard TV uncovered an unlikely hero in the thicket of the protest’s confusion. Meet Issac Wilder, the founder of The Free Network Foundation, a mesh networking …