SchwartzReport: Tea Party Tantrums — Don’t Want to Be a White Minority — Never Mind Already Being Stupid

This, I think, is the truth of the Tea Party, and it reflects my own views. I published my first essay on the coming White minority in 1998, after following this trend beginning in the 70s, and it has just been growing angrier and more irrational year by year. The White Man’s Last Tantrum? ROBERT …

Tom Atlee: Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence

Surveillance and parasitism harm society’s collective intelligence What this post is about:  Society’s collective intelligence needs to be able to see clearly what’s going on and take action about it.  Both NSA surveillance and corporate suppression of activism interfere with that vital dynamic.  This post clarifies what’s going on in these dynamics and suggests strategies …

Review (Guest): America’s Stolen Narrative: From Washington and Madison to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes to Obama

Robert Parry 5.0 out of 5 stars How we allowed the rightwing to get Away with falsely Re-writing American History, and thus steal the Nation’s narrative, and wi, March 7, 2013 Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal” (Falls Church, VA USA) – See all my reviews Sam Parry proves here in his book, “America’s Stolen Narrative,” that …

Tom Atlee: Nothing to Hide? NSA Can Still Strip Search You Electronically…

Navigating a Web where “nothing to hide” doesn’t help you or democracy be safe Having nothing to hide is no guarantee of avoiding trouble due to NSA surveillance, which can create an environment of fear, a suppression of cultural creativity, and opportunities for politically targeted suppression, generally degrading democracy.  The erosion of privacy can be …

Anthony Judge: Vigorous Application of Derivative Thinking to Derivative Problems [Simplification: The Most Intelligent Essay You Will Ever Read About Loss of Legitimacy]

Vigorous Application of Derivative Thinking to Derivative Problems Transcending bewailing, hand-wringing and emotional blackmail Introduction Tracing back to the source of problems as necessary due diligence? Current examples of unsourced problems Terrorism and invasive surveillance as unsourced problems Exclusivism: gerrymandering, question avoidance, denial Recognizing the pattern of entanglement Immoral authority of Abrahamic religions? Simulation of …