Jean Lievens: Gerry Mooney on Open Scotland — Hybrid Grassroots Activism Empowered by Social Media

Social media and grassroots activism have taken Scotland to the brink of independence Gerry Mooney The Conversation, 8 September 2014 EXTRACTS If you wanted an explanation for the momentum that has carried the Yes campaign to the brink of victory in the Scottish referendum, you have to look at what’s happening on the ground. The extent …

Michael Ostrolenk: Putting City Finances Online — Empowering Citizens to Hold Politicians Accountable for Every Penny…

Imagine every citizen being able to hold politicians accountable down to the penny By Nick Sorrentino Against Crony Capitalism, March 15, 2014 There is great hope that tech will bring local bureaucrats and crony capitalists if not to heal, at least more into the light in a big way, soon. We are at the beginning …

Event: 25 OCT 13 Austria Online Knowledge is Power, Open Knowledge is Empowerment — Wikipedia, Wikileaks, and Open Source Intelligence

„Knowledge is power“ is the credo of enlightened modernism. However, Michel Foucault proclaims that whoever is in power determines which knowledge prevails in society, and ultimately this is the only knowledge that we have access to. It is certain that knowledge and power are closely interrelated, and that power relations in a society heavily depend …

Stephen E. Arnold: Power Search for Open Source Developers

Power Search for Open Source Developers Open source is cutting across the world as solution revolution. It is making technology cheaper and more widely available. It could have positive far reaching consequences in education and aerospace technology, but all revolutions need a little help getting off the ground. “Open source projects need all the help …

Jean Lievin: Micro-Manufacturing and Open Source Everything — Re-Empowering Labor over Capital

Micro Manufacturing, Third Wave Style…Perfect for Worker Coops? In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits By Chris Anderson The door of a dry-cleaner-size storefront in an industrial park in Wareham, Massachusetts, an hour south of Boston, might not look like a portal to the future of American manufacturing, but it is. This …

DefDog: The Power of *OPEN* – Blogger Shines Light on U.S. Shadow War in East Africa

The power of OPEN *.  You might think that the media would be doing this, but one would be wrong….they are content to be spoon fed lies, more lies, and damn lies… takes the public to pull back the curtain and expose what is really going on….that may be a reason the IC doesn’t like …

Eagle: Rejecting the Two Parties for Open Source Citizen Power

Perhaps restoring the American faith in the election process via “none of the above” platform, showing people they still have control over the system would be a stronger approach to reforms. Why is there no option for people to say “I don’t really like any of the candidates presented to me” ? There is a stat …