SPECIAL: Trump to CNN & Fox – Closing White House Press Space

The President is under no obligation what-so-ever to provide office space to the press within any US Government building, much less the White House. KICK THEM OUT! The Press Secretary’s office should be moved to the National Press Club, and questions for the President can be submitted via video and answered via video. The asshole …

SPECIAL: California Fires, DEW Weapons UPDATE 16: Forest Fire Burns Houses & Cars But Not the Forest?

Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/USAF-DEW Deep State via the US Air Force dark side…. Conclusive  Evidence Proving California Is Under Attack by DEWs Interesting…California wildfires map lines up with proposed high speed rail for California Reference Site: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & Contrived Fires Updates Below the Fold. Click First Link Above for Photo Essay.

Ed Jewett: The Plan to Take Your Guns — “Red Flag” No Notice Court Orders and “Social Media Checks”

Home Resident Killed by Maryland Police Trying Confiscate His Guns Maryland Governor Hogan disregarded veto requests and signed “red flag” bill (HB 1302) in Spring of 2018. Under that bill as it became law, virtually anyone can ask a law enforcement officer to file an ex parte petition with a state district court judge or commissioner and …

MID-TERM SPECIAL: Trump Triumphs — Senate, Justices, Never-Trumpers Gone from House — Deep State Done!

Trump Scores Historic Win In “Blue Trickle” Election—Now Sets His Sights On Total Globalist Destruction Phi Beta Iota: Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator who has a stunning gift for narrative backed up by valuable links. We take him/them very seriously. Click on the above to read an epic detailed outline of just how big …