Mongoose: FBI HQ and FBI Washington Field Office Controlled by Deep State Creatures

Wray Shows True Colors By Rewarding FBI Agent Who Pushed “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot” With Plum Promotion Alert Reader writes in: The FBI Washington Field Office just got a new boss.  The WFO is the second largest in the bureau after NYC.  The guy selected had been the head of the Detroit, Michigan office.  Dude supervised …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today in Video Webinar – Plus Election 2020 Interactive

1. I’m a Danish citizen living in Gothenburg Sweden. I’ve heard some saying that Sweden, Denmark and France are “experiment” countries in the current situation. What is your take on that? 2. Are the Scandinavian governments also part of The president’s great plan? 3. Why isn’t there a mandatory 1 to 3 years, no parole, …