Penguin: Is the Pentagon Completely Corrupt? Yes — F-35 Totally Vulnerable to Electromagnetic Neturalization

The New F-35 Fighter Jet Can Be Taken Down Without A Bullet Ever Being Fired The F-35, the latest fighter jet being developed for the U.S. Armed Forces, has hit another potential snag.This time, it’s not questions of the jet’s structural integrity or even questions of relevance in combat. It’s the plane’s vulnerability to hackers. The …

BUCKY 2.0: Synthesis of R. Buckminster Fuller INSTRUCTIONS (On a Critical Path Toward Taking Care of Everyone, Doing No Harm)

SYNTHESIS of R. Buckminster Fuller INSTRUCTIONS (on a critical path toward taking care of everyone, doing no harm) Do you OWN THINKING (clearly discern reality from nonsense) Really know TRUTH (universal Principles/Laws/Truths [PLTs] governing all human experience) Understand ESSENTIAL NATURE of being human (relevaing inherent relationships to self, others, community of life, Universe Pay attention …

Ecuador Initiative: Limits of Economic Valuations of Nature

ECUADOR INITIATIVE: Transition Proposals Toward a Commons-Oriented Economy and Society Sponsored by the National Institute of Advanced Studies of Ecuador, carried out by the Free/Libre Open Knowledge (FLOK) Society. From Jose Luis Vivero Pol BIOMOT Policy Brief 1 – Limitations to Economic Environmental Valuation 1. EEV methods fail to secure ecosystem systainability. 2. EEV methods …

Marcus Aurelius: Four Washington Think Tanks Presume to Define Defense

Four Washington think tanks held their own exercise to provide alternate analyses and budget proposals to the ongoing Department of Defense Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), DoD’s Congressionally mandated internal cut drill. Read all about it at Joint Think Tank Event: Alternatives to the QDR and FY15 Defense Budget | CSBA While the four think tanks …


Below are listed recurring authors. One-time authors are easily searched for by name. Alias & Collective 4TH MEDIA – Anti-Empire Tough Love Truths from Varied Contributors BOOP, Betty – Serving Male Officer with  Sense of Humor BUCKY 2.0 – Dave Buck, Robert Steele, Frank Wennin, Alan Yelsey and Others DEFDOG – Serving Officer and Closet …

Sarah Harrison, Jacob Appelbaum & Julian Assange — YouTube Call to Resistance, SysAdmins Unite

Sysadmins of the world, unite! a call to resistance Finally, the world is aware of the threat of mass surveillance and control, but we still have a fight on our hands, and that fight is both technical and political. Global democracy is not going to protect itself. There has never been a higher demand for …

SchwartzReport: 1% Own Half World’s Wealth – Concentration of Wealth is THE Precondition for Violent Revolution

This is one of the most amazing stories SR has ever published. This is what vampire capitalism has produced. Think about this: There are seven billion people on earth, 85 of them have so much wealth that it equals the collective wealth of three billion two hundred million co-inhabitants of the Earth. How can anyone …