AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 24 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Al-Qaeda Moving to Africa: Sources 11/22/09 AA: Ship is pirate target again 11/19/09 AO: Angola: Armed Forces Staff Attend Workshop on Future Constitution 11/19/09 BW: Khama faces ICC prosecution 11/19/09 CD: FACTBOX-Who are Congolese warlords Katanga and Ngudjolo? 11/23/09 CD: UN blue helmets help passengers in DR Congo when plane overshoots runway …

Journal: UK Complicity in torture of its own citizens

Editorial, Wednesday 25 November 2009 Allegations about Britain’s role in the torture of its own citizens in Pakistan are not new. They have been made persuasively by our own investigative reporting. What is new in the report published yesterday by Human Rights Watch is the corroboration it obtained from the torturers themselves. Ali Dayan Hasan, HRW’s …

Journal: Russian SU-30 Short Movie

SU-30 Vectored Thrust with Canards… As you watch this airplane, look at the canards moving along  side of, and just below the canopy rail.   The “canards” are the small wings forward of the main wings?  The smoke and contrails provide a sense of the actual flight path, sometimes in reverse direction.  This video is of an in-flight demonstration flown by the Russian’s 30MK  …

Journal: U.S. Air Force–Remote from War & Reality

Unmanned limits: Robotic systems can’t replace a pilot’s gut instinct BY COL. JAMES JINNETTE, USAF Unmanned combat systems have fundamental limitations that can make their technology a war-losing proposition. These limitations involve network vulnerabilities, release consent judgment and, most importantly, creative capacity during air combat and close air support (CAS) missions. Although futurists might assume …

Worth a Look: Google Does Data Not Thinking

Finding the laws that govern us 11/17/2009 09:05:00 AM Starting today, we’re enabling people everywhere to find and read full text legal opinions from U.S. federal and state district, appellate and supreme courts using Google Scholar. You can find these opinions by searching for cases (like Planned Parenthood v. Casey), or by topics (like desegregation) …

Reference: Berto Jongman Recommends

Today’s recommendaitons: Who’s who in the Somali insurgency: A Reference Guide Interview with Maajid Nawaz:Becoming a Muslim Radical New Quilliam report: British prisons are incubating Islamist extremism Selected Translation of the LIFG Recantation Document Decoding the New Taliban: Insights from the Afghan Field. Antonio Giustozzi gathers a renowned cast of journalists, experts, and academics to …