Stephen E. Arnold: Understanding the 50% (or More) of the Internet that is Outright Crap

Understanding Trolls, Spam, and Nasty Content “From terrorist propaganda distributed by organizations such as ISIS, to political activism, diverse voices now use social media as their major public platform. Organizations deploy bots — virtual, automated posters — as well as enormous paid “armies” of human posters or trolls, and hacking schemes to overwhelmingly infiltrate the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Myths Debunked

Big Data Myths Debunked An abundance of data is not particularly valuable without the ability to draw conclusions from it. Forbes recognizes the value of data analysis in, “Text Analytics Gurus Debunk Four Big Data Myths.” Contributor Barbara Thau observes:

Stephen E. Arnold: Entity Extraction Demands Human Intermediation — Computers Cannot Do It All….

Entity Extraction: Human Intermediation Still Necessary I read “Facebook Should Be Able to Handle names like Isis and Phuc Dat Bich.” The article underscores the challenges smart software faces in a world believing that algorithms deliver the bacon. Entity extraction methods requiring human subject matter experts and dictionary editors are expensive and slow. Algorithms are …