Stephen E. Arnold: Crime and Law on the Dark Web

The Intersection of the Criminal, Law Enforcement and Technology Industries Dutch police made several arrests related to laundering of criminal profits orchestrated through an unindexed section of the web called the Dark Web. The article says suspects allegedly laundered up to 20 million euros from online drug deals. With the information originating from Reuters, this …

Stephen E. Arnold: Dark Web Webinar and Book

Dark Web and Tor Investigative Tools: Tactics, New Products, and Ongoing Developments This webinar looks at specific vendors and products tailored to cope with Dark Web or hidden online services. The information in this webinar has been assembled as part of Stephen E Arnold’s 18 month research project into Dark Web solutions, tactics, and systems. …

Stephen E. Arnold: Print – and Digital – Media Dead

Print and Digital: Both Goners I read in McPaper this article: “Wolff: Print’s Dead — but So Is Digital.” Okay, I learned from Dr. Francis Chivers (Duquesne University professor in the 1960s) that God is dead. I learned from Francis Fukuyama (assorted universities) that history is dead. Now I learn from McPaper that print and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Cam Search Engine

Shodan: Web Cam Search Engine Get ready for the next snowpocalype. Navigate to “Shodan Search Engine Provides Access to Hundreds of Unsecured Webcams.” The write up describes how the unsecured webcam search engine finds unsecured webcams. The system may prove interesting to those explore.

Stephen E. Arnold: How Big Data Is Missing the Mark

How Big Data Is Missing the Mark At this point in the Big Data sensation, many businesses are swimming in data without the means to leverage it effectively. TechWeek Europe cites a recent survey from storage provider Pure Storage in its write-up, “Big Data ‘Fails Businesses’ Due to Access, Skills Shortage.” Interestingly, most of the …