2009 Arnold Google: The Digital Gutenberg

Robert Steele, the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, considers Stephen E. Arnold to be the single most professional analyst of emerging information technologies and their social meaning.  His “Google Triology” may well be the most significant body of work of practical significance not just to the information industry, but to civil liberties, capitalism, civil society, …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 30 July 2009

Hot Topics AF: Americas New Nightmare 07/28/09 AF: Taliban issues Code of Conduct to fighters in Afghanistan 07/30/09 IR:  Iran and the Taliban, allies against America 07/28/09 IR:  Report: Hezbollah Leader Threatens Tel Aviv Strike 07/27/09 KZ: Economic meltdown only latest woe for oil-rich Kazakhstan 07/30/09 PS:  Gaza Strip to Get Access to Reconstruction Materials …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Losers Hang On”

By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Published: July 25, 2009 After spending a week traveling the frontline of the “war on terrorism” — from the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan in the seas off Iran, to northern Iraq, to Afghanistan and into northwest Pakistan — I can comfortably report the following: The bad guys are losing. Yes, …

Journal: Marcus Aurelius Flags “The Class Too Dumb to Quit”

Our policy is to point to the original full sotry online whenever the source offers a persistent URL that does not require registration.  Below are extracts from Tom Friedman’s “The Class Too Dumb to Quit,” as flagged by Marcus Aurelius, pseudonym for a Special Operations officer with decades of HUMINT abroad. EXTRACTS: This scene is …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Highlights: Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder

The attached report in the New York Times portrays, perhaps inadvertently, some of the mental effects of the Taliban’s (really the Afghan) style of war, note particularly an impression of being surprised by the tactical skill exhibited by the Aghan insurgents.  In that sense, this report compliments and reinforces the far more detailed information in …