EUCOM Week in Review Ending 19 August 2009

Hot Topics AA: BALKANS: Back to Arms, if not War 08/18/09 AA: Expert: Russian military base in Armenia potentially dangerous 08/17/09 AA: Gwynne Dyer: Basque terrorism offers lessons to the world 08/18/09 CY: Government striving for viable and functional solution to Cyprus … 08/17/09 DE: German firms fear losing lucrative Iranian market 08/19/09 DE: Germany—Military …

Journal: Senator Moves to Stop Scientific Ghostwriting

By NATASHA SINGER Published: August 18, 2009 A growing body of evidence suggests that doctors at some of the nation’s top medical schools have been attaching their names and lending their reputations to scientific papers that were drafted by ghostwriters working for drug companies — articles that were carefully calibrated to help the manufacturers sell …

Journal: Information Sharing as a Form of Secrecy

Phi Beta Iota: Tip of the hat to Steven Aftergood and the Federation of American Scientists. “Although information sharing might seem like the antithesis of secrecy, the term has come to be used to refer exclusively to sharing within the government, including state and local officials and certain selected private partners. Unlike “transparency,” which is …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 9 August 2009

Hot Topics AU: Outlawing al-Shabaab not the answer 08/06/09 BD: BANGLADESHS AMBIVALENT RELATIONS WITH THE PRC 08/04/09 BT: Bharti says to expand cable network to Bhutan 08/04/09 CN: China Investigates Top Nuclear Official 08/06/09 CN: China to surpass US in manufacturing by 2015 on road to Empire 08/04/09 CN: Chinese teen dies at Internet addiction rehab camp 08/06/09 CN: …

Journal: USNI/AFCEA Feature Stephen Carmel of Mersck Line Limited on Global Connectivity, Risk, Trade, and Security

Stephen Carmel is a world-class speaker with a truly compelling story to tell, and after learning about him from his appearance at the USNI/AFCEA Joint War Fighting Conference,  we were deeply impressed. Below we summarize the highlights from his speech, which we have put into a proper document with emphasis added throughout.  This is one …