Review: Peace–A History of Movements and Ideas

An Utterly Superb Intellectual Contribution–a Major New Reference January 10, 2010 David Cortright This book is a gift to humanity, a foundational reference of such extraorindary value that I earnestly believe it should be required reading for every single liberal arts program in the world, and used as a core book in all graduate international …

Journal: Selected MILNET Headlines

O’s ‘Fixes’ Will Fail:Feeding more fat to obese US intelligence (Ralph Peters) None of these people, including our president, took what almost happened on Christmas seriously — until the public outcry spooked them. To energize the bureaucratic proles, you have to chop off aristocratic heads. But President Obama won’t use the guillotine. He’s protecting incompetents. …

Journal: US Intervention Outcomes for Women Et Al

One of the main arguments made by self-proclaimed “liberal humanitarian interventionists” in support of President Obama’s escalation of the Afghan War is that a return of the Taliban to power will condemn women to conditions approaching slavery.  It is true that women’s rights in Afghanistan are almost medieval in character, but the central question of …

Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while …

Review: Global Warming False Alarm–The Bad Science Behind the United Nations’ Assertion that Man-made CO2 Causes Global Warming

Righteous Good SLAM of IPCC Fraud & Intimidation November 26, 2009 Ralph B. Alexander I read a lot, and I confess to have been among those who “bought in” to the celebrity alarmism of Al Gore, but I never displaced the totality of the threats to Earth for an obsessive focus on carbon emissions. Among …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 24 Nov 09

Hot Topics AA: Al-Qaeda Moving to Africa: Sources 11/22/09 AA: Ship is pirate target again 11/19/09 AO: Angola: Armed Forces Staff Attend Workshop on Future Constitution 11/19/09 BW: Khama faces ICC prosecution 11/19/09 CD: FACTBOX-Who are Congolese warlords Katanga and Ngudjolo? 11/23/09 CD: UN blue helmets help passengers in DR Congo when plane overshoots runway …