Ed Jewett: Book Review – Microcosm and Medium by Joseph Farrell — A Mind Control Prophylactic

There aren’t many things that get my anger and paranoia out for a walk on a rainy weekday afternoon than reading about advances being made by the military-industrial empire having to do with mind control. I like to be left alone to determine the direction of my life, so I find Joseph Farrell’s Microcosm and …

Stephen E. Arnold: China and Russia Create Post-Google Internet

Silicon Valley: Off Ramp Closed for Repairs? We learned that Alibaba (a Chinese outfit) has entered into a deal with Russian firms for online payments. Reuters reported the tie up in “Alibaba’s JV in Russia to Use Russia’s Payment System.” The system is used in Russia. TechCrunch points out in “Alibaba Goes Big on Russia …

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’

Dr. Eowyn: In Solidarity with Alex Jones — Wolfgang Halbig has stunning evidence Sandy Hook was moving to Chalk Hill months before ‘massacre’ Mr. President, There are many signs pointing to Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) having been closed long before the alleged mass shooting on December 14, 2012, including:

Ed Jewett: On the Nature of Life in These Disunited States

On the nature and quality of life in these disunited states “In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of  uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest  communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control  reason.” Zbigniew …

Tom-Scott Gordon: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Cost to Dismantle $2B+, 2007 Deadline, Known to Rudy Giuliani (Mayor of NYC from 1994 – December 2001)

9/11 WTC Towers Condemned Before 9/11, Cost to Dismantle $2B+, 2007 Deadline, Known to Rudy Giuliani (Mayor of NYC from 1994 – December 2001) 21 July 2018 Mr. President, As early as 1989, it was known to the owners of WTC that the buildings must be brought down before 2007 because the interior steel and …