Marcus Aurelius: Iranian Outreach to Latin American Youth

(1) Anybody else think this sounds like Sovs’ Patrice Lumumba University of another decade?; (2) totally unsurprising; to use WWII terminology, development of an Iranian “fifth column” in Latin America, an organization that has the capability to fulfill roles similar to the “underground” and “auxiliary” in a doctrinal US-sponsored insurgency; (3) might also be unsurprising to find Iran …

Dolphin: Over 90 Dolphins Wash Up Dead in Virginia in July — 10X Normal

In 1990’s over 800 dolphin bodies washed up over a summer. What’s Killing the Dolphins? Dolphins are washing up dead along the East Coast this summer, perplexing scientists who fear a recurrence of a large-scale die-off several decades ago. Cameron McWhirter has more on the News Hub. Photo: Getty Images. Watch 4 Minute Video  

John Lievens: What’s Next for the Sharing Movement?

Peers will build on key aspects of the movement that Shareable, as a pioneering sharing movement organization, helped shape. Peers’ mission is to make sharing the defining economic activity of our time. They will do this through grassroots campaigns to make sharing more visible, grow the number of sharers, and legalize sharing. What’s Next for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Sucks, Crowd-Sourcing Rocks I

Crowdsourcing Helps Keep Big Data Companies Straight Posted: 26 Jul 2013 07:06 PM PDT As big data analytics begins picking up steam, we are seeing more and more interesting outlets to learn about different platforms to choose from. Not just catalogs and boastful corporation sites, but insightful criticism. One such recent stop was when we …

Noam Chomsky: US and Canada Virtually Expelled from South America

On Morales and Snowden, US & Canada Virtually Being Expelled from the Hemisphere On July 9, the Organization of American States held a special session to discuss the shocking behavior of the European states that had refused to allow the government plane carrying Bolivian President Evo Morales to enter their airspace. Morales was flying home …

SchwartzReport: Singapore and the Arctic Council + Solution + Water Flood Meta-RECAP

Here is what climate change and the melting of the Arctic looks like from Malaysia. It is a very sensible assessment, of a depth one rarely sees in the Western media. Polar Politics and the Melting Arctic JOSEPH CHINYONG LIOW, professor of comparative and international politics – The Malay Mail (Malaysia) Singapore’s recent accession to …