Mini-Me: Sandy Hook a Complete DHS Fake? Substantial Compilation of Actors, Drills, No Real Blood, Database Conflicts, Etcetera….1.1

Huh? The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook By Dennis Cimino (with Jim Fetzer) Veterans Today, 30 January 2013 Sandy Hook poses so many uncertainties and even contradictions that it should come as no surprise that virtually every aspect of whatever happened is being subjected to the most minute scrutiny. …

Mini-Me: Sandy Hook, Israel’s “Art Students” in Purple Van, Greenwich Safehouse, Nurse’s False Testimony — Four Competing Narratives

Huh? Obama “Gun Address” Misses Real Terrorism Threat by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Despite attempts to blame a seemingly endless group of lunatic mass murderers for the equally endless number of devastating mass killings now plaguing the United States, our government, our “protectors” and, most damnably, our president, are failing to react to real terror attacks …

Daniel Ellsberg: Secrecy vs. Whistleblowing in a Democracy

Secreacy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg Huffington Post repritned from Social Research, 13 January 2013 I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government — the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors — there is less …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …

Berto Jongman: US Government Warns Over Vulnerable Control Systems Exactly Nighteen Years After Air War College, Winn Schwartau & Others Write to White House

US government warns over vulnerable control systems The US government has told thousands of companies to beef up protection of computers which oversee power plants and other utilities. The action comes after a survey revealed that thousands of these systems can be found online. The survey was carried out via a publicly available search engine …

Mini-Me: Aaron Swartz, Internet Activist, “Suicided?” Joins “Suicided” Also Hung Mark Lombardi in the Cloud

Huh? Aaron Swartz, Precocious Programmer and Internet Activist, Dies at 26 John Schwartz New York Times, 12 January 2013 Aaron Swartz, a wizardly programmer who as a teenager helped to develop a computer code that provided a format for delivering regularly changing Web content and in later life became an unwavering crusader to make that …