EGYPT: Can Democracy by Randomly Revolutionized?

Will Egypt Revolutionize Democracy Itself? by Tom Atlee Thomas Friedman suggests that the special strength of Egypt’s youth-led revolutionary movement has been “the fact that it represented every political strain, every segment and class in Egyptian society.” But then he turns around and says that diversity “is also its weakness. It still has no accepted …

Worth a Look: Panarchy

Highly Recommended: Reference: 21st Century Governance as a Complex Adaptive System Reference: Panarchy–Governance in the Network Age Reference: Panarchy is What We Make of It–Why a World State is Not Inevitable Reference: How Not to Study the World-Wide Web (WWW) Reference: The Autocatalysis of Social Systems and the Emergence of Trust See Also:

Resources for Powerful Conversations

Dear friends, A large and growing body of knowledge exists about how to carry on powerful conversations — methodologies, facilitation know-how, dynamic understandings, and more.  This knowledge informs professions ranging from therapy to diplomacy and conflict resolution, from organizational development to creativity and innovation, from community revitalization to activism and deliberative democracy, from family relationships …