Penguin: Israel’s Covert Operations Inside the USA

Hmmmmm.  Does this connect Israel’s larger covert operations inside the USA to the specific Iran plot as a possible Israeli covert operation to influence US public and US Congress? Why I Published US Intelligence Secrets About Israel’s Anti-Iran Campaign Richard Silverstein Truthout, 14 October 2011 In 2009, Shamai Leibowitz was working secretly for the FBI, …

Cynthia McKinney: US & Israel Against Africa & Arabia

Cynthia McKinney, 10 October 2011. Third of Four Installments on Libya: Israel and Libya Once again, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya peels away the veneer of legitimacy and deception enveloping the U.S./NATO genocide currently taking place in Libya. In his first article, Nazemroaya exposed the mechanism by which the world came to “know” of the need for …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel on a Grand-Strategic Pathway to Ruin?

In the below essay, famed Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery, a veteran of both the Irgun and Knesset, a hero of the 1948 War and true Israeli patriot, paints a portrait of Israel’s unfolding grand-strategic ruin. While Israel’s penchant for self destruction is self evident in Avnery’s exposition, the extent of Israel’s insanity becomes stunningly …

Chuck Spinney: How Israel is “Disappearing” Palestine

SEPTEMBER 22, 2011 The Occupation That Time Forgot The Disappearance of Palestine by SANDY TOLAN Counterpunch It’s the show that time and the world forgot. It’s called the Occupation and it’s now in its 45th year. Playing on a landscape about the size of Delaware, it remains largely hidden from view, while Middle Eastern headlines …

Chuck Spinney: Perspective on Turkey-Israel Relations

Below is an excellent perspective on Turkish – Israeli relations and the irresponsible Israeli-neocon effort to smear Turkey with the phony charge of islamo-fascisim (itself a logically absurd term). While Hadar thinks, in my view correctly, Ataturk would back Erdogan’s policies, one thing he does address is how Ataturk might have reacted to Israel’s provocations, …