SmartPlanet: Conflict-Free Supply Chains – Tracing, Auditing, Certification – Solid Advance in True Cost Economics

The top firms that champion conflict-free supply chains Intel, HP, and Apple have received top marks for their efforts to eradicate conflict minerals from supply chains in a new report published by the Enough Project. The anti-genocide nonprofit organization’s report, dubbed “Taking Conflict Out of Consumer Gadgets” (.pdf), researched how leading technology developers and manufacturers …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA on the Margins of Syria, Choking the Chicken

Deja vu on Angola, Afghanistan, etcetera. CIA Chokes Rebels’ Weapon Supply Amid Islamist Fears By John Follain London Sunday Times August 12, 2012 Pg. 26 DESPITE mounting calls in Washington for a more aggressive US military role in Syria, the CIA has been quietly working along its northern border with Turkey to limit the supplies …

20120730 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE PERSON: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Mini-Me: Sirius, Tesla, Free Energy, extraterrestrials, Secrecy….

Huh? – – – – – – – – We discovered a brief film clip of one of Tesla’s demonstrations. It is embedded in the trailer for Dr. Steven Greer’s movie-in-progress Sirius,, beginning at 53 seconds in and lasting until 57 seconds. By rapidly double-clicking the pause button you can watch it in slow motion. No …

Código Abierto Todo: evolución acelerada a través de la libre información

Phi Beta Iota:  Click on header to open full post, then use Google Translate to read in English (top of middle column).  Contract has been signed to publish the book in Spanish in Spain — this does not exclude the book also being contracted for translation by any Central or Latin American publisher.  Person in …

DefDog: Democratizing commerce – 2005 call to arms

Democratizing commerce kosFollow for Daily Kos Sun May 29, 2005 I’ve written about Open Source Politics, Open Source Activism, and Open Source Journalism. Open Source software is taking over our desktops at the expense of monopolistic Microsoft (get Firefox!). Television is getting in on the act. Shows like American Idol let the public be the …