Chuck Spinny: Log of War

While the US is distracted at home by warmongering politicians competing for the Republican nomination and Israeli-neocon warmongering for launching a new war against Iran, a crisis may be metastasizing in cancer that is Afghanistan. Below is a report in the Pakistani newspaper Dawn that describes the logistics bottleneck in the port of Karachi caused …

Owl: Eugenics Update – “Good Club,” Vaccines to Abort, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, Population Control Of, By, and For the Elite

We don’t make this stuff up. Bill Gates Talks ‘Vaccines to Reduce Population’ by F. William Engdahl Financial Sense Editorials Archive, 4 March 2010 Microsoft founder and one of the world’s wealthiest men, Bill Gates, projects an image of a benign philanthropist using his billions via his (tax exempt) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to …

Susan Lindauer: IRAQ – The Legacy of Deception and Its Costs

IRAQ: THE LEGACY OF DECEPTION AND ITS COSTS Susan Lindauer, Former CIA Back Channel to Iraq at the United Nations Most Americans are astonished to discover that right up to 9/11, the CIA was developing a “Real Politik” vision of Iraq that recognized the fast approaching collapse of U.N. Sanctions. The CIA was preparing for …

Michel Bauwens: Occupations as a Political Tactic

A short story of occupations as a political tactic (#OccupyWallStreet update) Excerpted from Shareable, By Willie Osterweil: “There have been many resistance movements throughout history which have made use of the occupation tactic. In the United States, the unemployed Coxey’s Army, which marched across the country decrying injustice and unemployment in 1894, camped out throughout …