Chuck Spinney: Democracy & Truth or Tyranny & Lies?

My close friend Mike Lofgren writes an important essay describing the nature of ‘truth’ in the Orwellian echo chamber that is closing the American mind in the 21st Century. Chuck Spinney The Blaster DECEMBER 20, 2011 Are Our Rulers Stupid, or Do They Think We’re Stupid? Propagandizing for Perpetual War by MIKE LOFGREN, Counterpunch According …

Michel Bauwens: Michael Hudson on the crucial link between democracy and debt throughout history

I don’t know of a more crucial text to read in this epochal transition. Republished from Michael Hudson: “Book V of Aristotle’s Politics describes the eternal transition of oligarchies making themselves into hereditary aristocracies – which end up being overthrown by tyrants or develop internal rivalries as some families decide to “take the multitude into …

Mini-Me: European-US Banking–Tangled Web — Tell Me Again, Why Shouldn’t We Default and Let the Banks Fry? + Financial Terrorism RECAP

The question has to be asked: “Why shouldn’t we default and let the banks fry?” What possible benefit it there to the people of a nation whose previous leaders “sold out” the entire country on the basis of lies from the banks, notably Goldman Sachs? Why not default and focus on full employment and resilience …

John Robb: Collapse of the Western Financial “System”

Here’s a scenario from William Buiter (the chief economist at Citi) on what could happen if the EU collapses: Disorderly sovereign defaults and eurozone exits by all five periphery states would drag down not just the European banking system but also the north Atlantic financial system and the internationally exposed parts of the rest of …

David Swanson: History of Corporate Personhood — How Lewis Powell & US Chamber of Commerce Bought the US Supreme Court

The Real History of ‘Corporate Personhood’: Meet the Man to Blame for Corporations Having More Rights Than You The real history of today’s excessive corporate power starts with a tobacco lawyer appointed to the Supreme Court.  By Jeffrey Clements, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, AlterNet The following is an excerpt of Jeffrey Clement’s Corporations Are Not People: Why They Have …

John Robb: Technology, Corruption, & Depressions

Technology Shifts and Economic Depression Joseph Stiglitz (the Nobel prize winning economist) has a great new article: “The Book of Jobs“(behind Vanity Fair’s paywall, sorry).   In it, he makes a convincing case that the first global depression was caused by a process similar to what we are seeing today (I’m very happy somebody in the social …