Chuck Spinney: Syria as Root for WWIII UPDATE Mike Whitney on Putin Winning

A General Summing Up of the West’s March to Folly in Syria EXTRACT These early failures by the German and American leaderships led to ever more costly missteps and a loss of purpose as the respective leaders ‘dug in’ to defend their mistakes.  To make matters worse, some domestic interests — e.g., the Krupp in …

Robert Steele: UNHINGED — Two Books on Terror Reviewed (Rebuttal, a Book of Lies & Broken!, Truth as Fiction)

UNHINGED: American Terror, Torture, & Treason SHORT URL: Robert David Steele PDF (5 Pages): UNHINGED TORTURE as published with cover matter Rebuttal: The CIA Responds to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program by Porter Goss et al, Naval Institute Press, 352 pp., £14.99, September, ISBN 978 1 591 14587 …

Wayne Madsen: CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China UPDATE 2 Russians Accuse CIA on ISIS

October 5-6, 2015 — CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China CIA has been nurturing Russian and Chinese terrorists inside Syria. CONCLUSION: When Obama and his mouth pieces claim that Russia is attacking “non-jihadist” targets in Syria they are being disingenuous. What they should say, if they wanted to be honest, …

Ray McGovern: Russia, Syria, & US-Israel UPDATE

The Hope Behind Putin’s Syria Help The risk here, however, is that the American neocons and liberal interventionists remain drunk on their dreams of a permanent U.S. global hegemony that doesn’t broach any rivalry from Russia, China or any other potential challenger to America’s “full-spectrum dominance.” If these war hawks don’t sober up – and …

Chuck Spinney: Global Warming as Scam Cover-Up Distracting from Massive Water Theft Now

Attached below this introduction is a very important report describing the problem of water depletion in Saudi Arabia and California.  This report is interesting and important, both for what it says and for what it does not say. Note that there is no mention of global warming or climate change, although some of the papers hot linked …

Review (Guest): Broken! A true story of terror, torture, and treason, in fictional form to avoid legal retaliation against those who were there

Michael Kearns, Ronald Solomon 5 Stars. Classic thriller: how a nation was “broken” by torture and drone policies gone beserk By Jeffrey S. Kaye on September 19, 2015 Michael Kearns and Ronald Solomon have written one of the most important books of the year, and one of the most entertaining. Drawing on Kearns’ experience in …