Berto Jongman: Journalist Documenting CIA Arming of ISIS Is Fired….

Journalist Interrogated, Fired for Story Linking CIA to ‘Diplomatic’ Flights to Arm Syrian Rebels If Bulgaria is ashamed of selling arms to the CIA it maybe shouldn’t have done it in the first place Investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva authored a bombshell report for Trud Newspaper, based in Sofia, Bulgaria, which found that an Azerbaijan state airline company was …

Owl: Charlottesville False Flag — Professional Hit, Paid Protesters? UPDATE 9 Jim Fetzer Outlines False Flag Anomalies

Murder at Charlottesville a False Flag? Was this a false flag to shut down future conservative rallies? Note comment and video outtake about picture in this forum post (emphasis mine) “Also, speculation of false flag. Following pic is supposed frame from vid (enhanced) as backing up. Guy looking in mirror, doesn’t look scared, looks pro, …

Cynthia McKinney: The Potential Power of #UNRIG

Cynthia McKinney gives her take on #UNRIG and more Aug 7 at 10:04pm tjradio-8-7-17-mckinney.mp3 Former six-term Congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney Ph.D. explains #UNRIG, her campaign with Robert David Steele aimed at unrigging what candidate Trump correctly called a “rigged” system. She and Robert hope to tour America in an RV, meeting with …

#UNRIG: MeetUp Discriminates Against Alt-Right? Lies About Threats & Harrassment? Law Suit Planned, Never Mind Their Arbitration Clause

The following exchange has occurred with MeetUp Legal. The Alt-Right “justiification” is clearly bogus, their CEO made a stupid decision that puts his entire privately-owned company at risk, something we are going to make sure every potential investor is made aware of.  MeetUp is dead., Facebook Communities is where it’s at.  The throw-away attack line …