Review: The Occupation of Iraq: Winning the War, Losing the Peace

Phenomenal–Ref A Relevant to Everywhere Else December 21, 2009 Ali A. Allawi The author has achieved extraordinary synthesis and summation, with gifted straight-forward language.This book is not only a capstone reference, but demonstrates why we need to LISTEN–none of us could learn–in a lifetime–all that this author has in his head. That’s why multinational engagement …

Journal: National Intelligence? Revolution in Military Affairs? A Stock-Taking

Gates: No good intel on Osama bin Laden in years Defense Secretary Robert Gates says the United States has not had good intelligence on the whereabouts of terrorist Osama bin Laden in years.  Gates made the comment in an interview to be aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” The Counter-Revolution In Military Affairs I (2009) …

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

 7 Stars–Nobel Prize (Of Old, Before Devalued) – Life Transformative Insights November 28, 2009 Robert Wright QUOTE: “Non-zero-sumness is a kind of potential–a potential for overall gain, or for overall loss, depending on how the game is played.” This book is one of the most sophisticated, deep, documented, and influential I have ever read, right …