Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence

May 3, 2006 Citizens Party, part II Informed, Engaged, Democracy Collective Public Intelligence By: Robert D. Steele Introduction If we want an extraordinary future for all of our children, America and Americans must embrace reality. While, as a society, we may have recently found it comfortable to ignore reality, reality is most assuredly going forward, …

The Citizens Party “Had Enough? Vote Democratic!” Is NOT ENOUGH, We Need a New Dual Membership Party

April 29, 2006 The Citizens Party “Had Enough? Vote Democratic!” Is NOT ENOUGH, We Need a New Dual Membership Party Robert David Steele Vivas A few days ago I was discussing strategy with Jock Gill. Both of us tried to help Dean, Edwards, and then Kerry, in that order, with a concept for winning over …

2006 Robert Steele: Reinventing Intelligence

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE Robert David Steele America is spending $70 billion a year on what it calls “Intelligence,” and for that amount of money we are successfully stealing 5% and ignoring 95% of the information relevant to our national security and prosperity.  We are long over-due for a reinvention of national intelligence. Without belaboring the point, …