Marcus Aurelius: Whiz Kids Gettings Out, CIA Armed Camps and Prisons Outside War Powers Act….

Whizz kids deserting the spy world as threat of attacks increases GCHQ is losing “whizz kid” specialists to Google, Microsoft, and Amazon because they can triple their pay, the head of the agency has warned. Duncan Gardham  The Telegraph, 20 July 2011 Read full story…. The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia The Nation, 1-8 August …

Graphics Directory (List & Small Images)

Below the line….alpha list of all graphics [in English] with embedded links. For Spanish-language graphics see AA Lista de Graficas (1) and [in reverse order as posted] AA Espanol (55).  Updated 2 Aug 2013. Click on the Link Above the Image to Reach Full Size Image, Comments, & Source Link

Michael Schrage: Google’s Massive Failure

What Google’s Quiet Failure Says About Its Innovation Health 11:39 AM Friday July 8, 2011 EXTRACT Rarely do the post-industrial stars align so well for an entrepreneurial enterprise hellbent on market revolution. Between the ongoing digitalization, consumerization, and personalization of health care delivery, Google was supremely well-positioned to have as big an innovative impact on …

Stephen E. Arnold : The Landscape of Enterprise Search

Stephen E. Arnold: The New Landscape of Enterprise Search. A Critical Review of the Market and Search Systems. Published by Pandia, Oslo, Norway, 2011. ISBN: 978-82-998676-0-3 Pandia Book Page The following enterprise search companies are covered in detail: Autonomy Endeca Exalead Google Search Solutions Microsoft and Fast Vivisimo   Phi Beta Iota:  For over fifteen …

Mark Zuckerberg: What To Do Once People Are Connected

Mark Zuckerberg Social networking is at “an inflection point,” Zuckerberg said. “When you think about what social networking meant for the last five or seven years, since Facebook has been around, the narrative has mostly been around connecting people,” he said. “Until the last couple of years, most people really had open questions about whether …