Reference: Evolutionary Psychology

Phi Beta Iota: Coincident with the emergence of the Collective Intelligence and Open Everything movements, and despite the enormous fragmentation of human knowledge by an academy that has lost sight of the importance of multi-disciplinary or “holistic” human intelligence, the field of Evolutionary Psychology is maturing rapidly while also branching to connect to Neuroscience.  On …

Climate Change, HAARP, Process, Politics, Power

“Remember than one one’s conspiracy is another man’s business plan.” “Climate change (both sides) is all about politics.” Phi Beta Iota: We are at the intersection of ideology, social conditioning, weak education, and the culmination of decades of power politics that have produced a severely retarded i.e. damaged collective psyche.  The collective intelligence movement can …

Worth a Look: OpenBeacon

OpenBeacon Press News Background information on OpenBeacon social networking features as used in our sister project Dynamics of Person-to-Person Interactions from Distributed RFID Sensor Networks Live Social Semantics Phi Beta Iota: This is the secret sauce for connecting the digital “virtual” revolutionary circles, and the same circles on the street face to face.  It …