Martin Armstrong & Robert Steele: The Real Story on Bill Browder, Gold War Against Russia, CIA Asset John McCain’s Magnitsky Act

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said that the Magnitsky Act would be reconsidered if his father won. This story is plastered all over the press as in Newsweek …

Mongoose: Operation Brownstone — Is CIA Using Children for Pedophilia Blackmail Across the USA?

What is Operation Brownstone/a Brownstone Operation? Is it real? More than likely. Operation Brownstone, also known as a “Brownstone operation,” is a reference to a theory that intelligence agencies, such as the CIA and FBI, engage in utilizing underage individuals for prostitution purposes with high profile targets, for the purposes of being able to blackmail …

Rebecca Campbell: Did Putin Give Trump 2 Terabytes of Intercepted Communications That Fry US Government, Military, Intelligence, Media, Judicial, and Commercial Traitors?

Possibly exaggerated but very likely some truth to Putin sharing intelligence with Trump to prove the real traitors are all Made in the USA. Dear God; They Caught Them ALL! Putin Gives Trump 160 Terabytes of Communications Intercepts; ALL people behind fake “Russia Collusion” — False Flag Chemical Attacks in Syria, Sabotage of BREXIT, Nefarious …

9/11 Reference: Rudy Gulliani and FBI Complicit in 9/11? Known Commercial Insurance Reasons for Taking Down WTC Due to Crumbling Steel and Aluminum

It is now known that Rudy Gulliani and the leadership of NYC as well as the owners of WTC knew years before 9/11 that the buildings must be brought down before 2007 because the interior steel and exterior aluminum were both compromised and the buildings would be at risk of collapsing — the cost to …

Richard Gage, AIA: Memorandum for the President of the United States: 9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed in the Official Reports

9/11 Explosive Evidence As Identified by AE911Truth Not Addressed in the Official Reports 17 July 2018 Mr. President: When you were campaigning for the presidency in Bluffton, South Carolina, on February 15, 2016, you told voters that under your watch they would “find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center.” And so we …