Jean Lievens: The Linux Approach to Human and Eco-System Well Being

The Linux Approach to Human and Eco-System Well Being Democracies are in dire need of an upgrade to deal with social complexity Current versions of democracy are a bit like the DOS operating system in the 1980s. In the best cases, they may hold the promise of a more user-friendly Windows beaconing on the horizon. …

Robert Parry: The Saudi Connection to Terror

The Saudi Connection to Terror Exclusive: While Official Washington devotes much sound and fury to demands for a wider war in Syria and the need to turn away Syrian refugees, Democrats and Republicans dodge the tougher question: how to confront Saudi Arabia about its covert funding for Islamic State and Al Qaeda terrorists, writes Daniel Lazare.

Berto Jongman: Seawater as Fuel — US Navy Proves Concept, Car Approved for Use on European Roads

Salt-Water Powered Car Gets Approval In Europe – Yes It’s Real It works just like a hydrogen fuel cell except that the liquid used for storing energy is saltwater. This isn’t far from the water powered car, an idea labelled as a conspiracy by many despite the massive amount of evidence behind it. You can …

Berto Jongman: 25 European Countries Collaborated with Rendition and Torture in Secret Prisons

Victims of U.S. Rendition & Torture Starting to Reclaim Rights Says Council of Europe Rights Chief More than 25 European countries cooperated with the CIA’s rendition, torture and secret prison program, and the quest for accountability continues today. “This is a sordid story that does Europe shame,” says Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe’s commissioner …