Robert Steele: We Are All Black Now, Deal With It! — An Open Letter to Donald J. Trump

NEW SHORT URL: — with a smile, please share. Printable Document at End — May Be Freely Copied in Whole or Part We Are All Black Now, Deal With It! AN OPEN LETTER TO DONALD J. TRUMP  Mr. Trump, You announced your presidential bid on June 16, 2015. Since then I have made multiple …

Ray McGovern: Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails

Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security violations so the public can assess this issue in a timely fashion. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity …

Jan H. Kalvik: Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen

Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen Editor’s Note: Previously published here at Defence and Intelligence Norway are Introducing Robert David Steele (1 April 2016) and Steele Goes Nordic (12 April 2016). On 17-18 April in Oslo I participated in three meetings;  the first a dinner including a Colonel, the second with the editor of …

Stephen E. Arnold: UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agency’s Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar

UK Cybersecurity Director Outlines Agencys Failures in Ongoing Cyberwar The article titled GCHQ: Spy Chief Admits UK Agency Losing Cyberwar Despite £860M Funding Boost on International Business Times examines the surprisingly frank confession made by Alex Dewdney, a director at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). He stated that in spite of the £860M funneled into …