SmartPlanet: Russia Will Build and Operate Nuclear Reactors for Emerging Countries….

Russia to emerging countries: We’ll build, operate your nuclear reactors Do you run a developing country where you’d like to build and operate nuclear reactors, but you just don’t have the expertise or the money? Then you could turn to Russia for an all-in-one 60-year bargain. State nuclear power company Rosatom “is offering a special …

Berto Jongman: 3 Iranian Sponsored Attacks in USA including a Mumbia Hotel-Type Attack — Iranian Exile, CIA, or NeoCon Disinformation as Prelude to Another False Flag?

Source strongly suspected of being a front for Iranian exiles trying to give Iran a black eye and neocons a reason to press for US attack on Iran. Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S. Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have …

Chuck Spinney: Understanding the Arab Transformation — Political & Economic Harmonization, Not Democratization, Is Core First Step

Below is a very interesting summary of the political tensions among secularism and religion and modernism and tradition in Tunisia.  I think the author, who I do not know but whose writings I have followed, is one of the most knowledgeable observers of the Arab Spring. Chuck Spinney Washington Report on Middle East Affairs April …

4th Media: Banking = Legalized Crime Short Explanation

The Basel Committee and the Global Banking Mafia Valentin Katasonov 4th Media| Friday, May 10, 2013 The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (hereinafter – the Committee) is closely associated with supranational organisations like the Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS), which is often called the «club», the «headquarters» of central banks or the «Central …

Michelle Monk: PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements

PROOF of 1400+ ELITE resignations, mass arrests, retirements  This post has been rewritten and is being updated.  I’m looking for help, and if you want to take over completely, or help partially, that’d be awesome.. I’m getting tired; this “job” has a high turnover rate.  Right now, I’m mostly taking a break. The link for …

Benjamin Fulford: ZIonists Defeated, China and Russia Playing Smart, Western Banking in Panic — $1 Billion Bet on US Stock Market Crashing Soon — Internal War within USG Between DHS and Everyone Else

Cabal purge starts in the UK, what about the US? By Benjamin Fulford  9 May 2013 One of the world’s leading terrorists, the mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against …

John Steiner: Fukushima Update — Worse, Uglier, Worry More…. + Fukushima & US Nuclear RECAP

Subject: Fukushima update Dear Friends, Bad news continues to pour out of Fukushima-Daiichi.  The first article below discusses the impact of F-D radiation on Canadian flora and fauna.  The second details the involvement of the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza, in the containment/cleanup process.  The third describes TEPCO’s mounting financial losses, as they struggle to …