#UNRIG: Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? Lawsuit Planned — Meanwhile Facebook Prepares to Wipe MeetUp Out…

Should MeetUp Be Investigated for Sedition & Racketeering? When MeetUp closed our #UNRIG Pro (paid) national network, 435 MeetUps in the making with revenue for MeetUp of $77,300, we thought MeetUp had been victim of a Zionist campaign of false reports — what Zionists do for institutions is file hundreds of “inappropriate content” reports such …

Berto Jongman: Pedophilia Update — Podesta Secrets, Two-Party Tyranny & Hollywood Rape, Torture, & Murder Small Children

The Real Reasons Why Podesta Must Testify In Secret Podesta knows where all the bodies are buried… Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring Actor exposes pedophilia and links to Washington child abuse Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America’ Movie star speaks out against pedophilia rings Child Sex Trafficking & …