Berto Jongman: FCC to President – Piss Off on Neutrality and Never Mind Big Data

FCC Chair Sounds Like He’s Going to Ignore President Obama’s Plan to Save the Internet Wheeler was described by the Post, which relied on anonymous sources, as “visibly frustrated.” He is said to be going ahead with his own proposal, which would offer companies like Comcast and Verizon the ability to charge a premium for …

Patrick Meier: Forthcoming Possibilities in Humanitarian Technology Leveraging Big Data and Computing Research Institutes

Computing Research Institutes as an Innovation Pathway for Humanitarian Technology The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) is an initiative by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to improve humanitarian action. The Summit, which is to be held in 2016, stands to be one of the most important humanitarian conferences in a decade. One key pillar of WHS is humanitarian innovation. “Transformation …

Stephen E. Arnold: Uncurated Big Data via Data Access Proxy (DAP) and Data Tiling Service (DTS)

Brown Dog Chases Answer to Uncurated Data Depending on one’s field, it may seem like every bit of information in existence is now just an Internet search away. However, as researchers well know, there is a wealth of potentially crucial information that is still difficult to access. In fact, GCN tells us that marketing firm …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data & Artificial Intelligence — Worse Than Gambling

Looking for an AI Silver Bullet to Make Software Smart? Keep Looking Here in Harrod’s Creek, Kentucky there is not too much chatter about machine learning. It is hunting season. Time to get out the Barrett Automatic Rifle and go hunting for varmints. Sundown yesterday when calm returned to the hollow, I read “Machine-Learning Maestro …

Jean Lievens: 8 ways Big Data helps improve global water and food security

8 ways Big Data helps improve global water and food security Experts from around the world gathered in Seattle this week at the Water for Food Global Conference to discuss ways to harness this data revolution in agriculture. Hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska in association …

Patrick Meier: Big Data Done Right — Free Open Source Real Time Twitter Base

Automatically Classifying Text Messages (SMS) for Disaster Response Humanitarian organizations like the UN and Red Cross often face a deluge of social media data when disasters strike areas with a large digital footprint. This explains why my team and I have been working on AIDR (Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Response), a free and open source platform …