8 ways Big Data helps improve global water and food security
Experts from around the world gathered in Seattle this week at the Water for Food Global Conference to discuss ways to harness this data revolution in agriculture. Hosted by the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute at the University of Nebraska in association with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the conference focused on mobilizing Big Data to improve global water and food security. With that in mind, here are eight ways Big Data is helping to create a more water- and food-secure world.
1. Satellite imagery and data . 2. Groundwater monitoring . 3. Viewing advantages . 4. Precision agriculture . 5. Global atlases . 6. Regional mapping . 7. Smartphones . 8. Research advances
Phi Beta Iota: Lovely summary but also avoids the hard truths about big data myths and malpractice — such as the impossibility of most databases being actually processed — less than 1%.
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