Yoda: Big Data Mergers, Acquisitions, & Mistakes

Wandering, Big Data is… Top 10 mergers and acquisition in the Big Data space 2014 LIST ONLY Oracle & BlueKai Salesforce & RelateIQ TIBCO & Jaspersoft Cloudera & Gazzang Hortonworks & XA Secure Teradata & Think Big Analytics Google & Rangespan IBM & Cloudant Microsoft & Capptain Twitter & Namo Media

Yoda: Big Data Potential — and Ignorance

Baby steps… What Big Data Can Mean for Sustainability The first Industrial Revolution showed the world how much machines could accomplish. What GE calls the “Next Industrial Revolution” is now showing how much machines can accomplish when they communicate with each other. And just as steam — and later electricity — powered the first industrial …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data and Data Quality — Plus Robert Steele on the Role of the University

Big Data Should Mean Big Quality Posted: 28 Aug 2014 03:28 AM PDT Why does logic seem to fail in the face of fancy jargon? DataFusion’s Blog posted on the jargon fallacy in the post, “It All Begins With Data Quality.” The post explains how with new terms like big data, real-time analytics, and self-service …

Robert Steele: Plant Language, Plant Consciousness, True Cost Economics, Big Data and the Coming Bio-Mimicry Revolution

I’ve known for decades that plants can see and hear and sense and communicate feelings —  the 1970’s experiment with plants witnessing an individual “murdering” on of their own, and then the plants reacting on a polygraph machine when  the one individual out of a line of many individuals came back into the room, was …