Robert Steele & Martin Armstrong: Bullshit on Impeachment, Time to End Two-Party Tyranny, Deepen Information Sharing Between Trump and Putin Against Deep State

I marvel at the persistent mendacity of the media, including Faux News. Politicians have always given hush money to prostitutes, porn stars, pole boys, and more.   The amount of hush money paid by  the  Obamas and Clintons very likely exceeds that paid by Trump by a factor of ten — plus the Clintons simply murder …

Robert Steele: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Pedophilia Fake News False Flag Deep State Death Rattle

Something Wicked Comes This Way…By Election Day Censorship PURGE points to imminent false flag violence before mid-term elections… bigger than 9/11? Hats Off to State of the Nation and Mike Adams of Natural News  for two excellent summaries of how mainstream and social media fake news, the digital assassination of Alex Jones, Mike Adams and …

Robert Steele: Megan Garber of Atlantic — Deep State Shill Attacks Alex Jones on Sandy Hook False Flag Operation

The Lasting Trauma of Alex Jones’s Lies The systems that have for so long helped to enforce the notion of collective truth in America are no longer sufficient: Deception is everywhere. And it is dangerous. ROBERT STEELE: Megan Garber is a tool — no doubt with the best of intentions but loosely educated — repeating …

Robert Steele: The Deep State, Mind Control, & Pedophilia — Connecting the Dots…

It is my view that the Nazis and the Zionists and the Vatican and varied secret societies all converged on wanting a sustainable Deep State that could control Shadow Governments everywhere.  Mind-Control and murderous pedophilia together provided the “alchemy” that supported what became a Satanic cult of the 1% over the 99%. This one lecture …