Mongoose: 5G Genocide – Ecocide Law Suit Gains Traction

This legal case against the FCC offers us an unparalleled chance of stopping 5G in its tracks. The Irregulators, a team of senior telecom experts, are exposing in court the illegal accounting scheme to replace wired networks with wireless and make us pay for it! EON overview:

Mongoose: FCC Challenged in Court Over Theft, 5G UPDATE: Harvard Report on FCC as Captured Agency

Bruce Kushnick and The IRREGULATORS Win First Round Against The FCC. Exposing the $500B Rip-Off Continues. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about this long-time corruption other than being ripped off.  It has led Americans to a very dangerous time in history – the “Race for 5G.” Warnings about widespread 5G deployment have …

Robert Steele: What Would a Full Disclosure Government Look Like? Bill and Robert’s Excellent Adventure (Preview) CLOSED

CLOSED – Superceeded by: Robert Steele: If I Were President ANSWERS: Robert Steele for Dimensions of Disclosure Conference – 68 Questions from #Borg to Zionism versus Judaism 2008 Candidates on the Issues ELECTION 2008 – Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Binney for DD 2019 Original Call For Questions Below the …

Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

Zero Hedge: Michael Snyder on 5G 100s of Scientist Sound the Alarm Over Genocidal Ecocidal 5G Networks

5G Danger: 100s Of Respected Scientists Sound Alarm About Health Effects As 5G Networks Go Global Today, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that indicates that the electromagnetic radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with is not good for us.  Hundreds of scientists that are engaged in research in this area have …

Mongoose: Cell Phones at Body Contact 11X US Radiation Limit — and Then There is 5G and Electromagnetic Pollution Overall…

Cell Phones Can Exceed Radiation Limits When Phones Touch The Body Most cell phones emit radiation exceeding safety guidelines when held against the body, according to new analyses of French government data published online in IEEE Access, a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).   The analysis by …