Robert Reich: Democrats Refused to Fix the Rigged System — They Share the Blame…

Why Democrats share the blame for the rise of Donald Trump I was part of a Democratic administration that failed to fix a rigged system – I know our current president is a symptom of our disunion, not its only cause Democrats did nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that had …

James Veltmeyer, MD: Editorial on Trump as an Existential Threat to New World Order

EDITORIAL: TRUMP – Existential Threat to New World Order EDITORIAL – The ongoing attacks by the political establishment on President Donald Trump –which began even before he was elected – are without parallel in history. The savagery, frenzy, and outright hysteria displayed by the President’s enemies within the Democrat Party, the media, and the various …

Review: A Very Stable Genius by Washington Post “Authors” Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig Clear Defamation with Malice and a Whiff of Plagarism?

SHORT URL: 2 Stars — Defamatory with Malice — Authors Appear to Have Started with List of “Crazy” and Built Book Around Their Maliciously-Contrived Outline Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is in my view a defamatory work, and President Donald Trump, despite being the most public of figures, can and should sue the …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

17th Amendment If as you have previously asserted the 17th amendment wasn’t actually fully ratified, wouldn’t a Presidential announcement of same light a fire under those Republican state representatives/senators as they consider the implications for the importance of their legislative body? Maybe they would see a reason to certify Trump electors (which they should have …

Election 2020: Week to 29 Dec 2019

Sunday, 29 December 2019 Praise Be to God! Big Picture. Bloomberg down and Sanders up, remarkably because of an America First Palestinians Matter commitment by Sanders — he is out-doing Trump and shaming Bloomberg. And just five more days to the end of the world, according to climate alarmists now known to be wrong.