Mongoose: Christopher Andrew Tarnishes Himself, DoD Now Known to Have Paid $1M to Possible Pedophile Working for FBI to Frame Mike Flynn

Russiagate Spy Paid $1 Million By Obama Was WaPo Deep Throat Phi Beta Iota: The only thing missing from the emerging stories about CIA and FBI perfidy (and DoD complicity in paying foreign agents to spy on President Donald Trump and his team) is pedophilia among some of the CIA and FBI officials and their …

Sidney Powell: Eyewitness to FBI Perfidy — Original 302 Said Flynn Did Not Lie

Flynn’s Lawyer: FBI Agents Wrote Flynn Didn’t Lie, We Have Eyewitness Sidney Powell, lawyer of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, said the FBI excluded crucial information from a report on their interview of her client. The report, an FBI 302 form, was used to charge Flynn with lying to the FBI, but the original draft of …

Robert Steele: Obama Weaponized CIA, DoJ, FBI Against Mike Flynn – Gulen Appears to be a Terrorist Supported by US Taxpayers Still Laundering Cash Back to the Clintons

While I have no direct knowledge I find the below write-up from Joe Holt at Gateway Pundit to be compelling. MUST VIEW: New Documentary Details How General Flynn Was Targeted and Set Up by Obama White House For Calling Out Clinton and Obama Supported Terrorist Cabal in the US Five points in the article, which …

Sara Carter: Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper

Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper Millions spent, no audit trail. Phi Beta Iota: Office of Net Assessment (ONA) is overdue for termination or redirection.  It does not do what it is funded to do, and is instead a slush fund for neo-conservative war-mongering in violation of all US …