Berto Jongman: Catalog of Snowden Revelations About NSA (Brookings)

Catalog of the Snowden Revelations About NSA This page catalogs various revelations by Edward Snowden, regarding the United States’ surveillance activities. Each disclosure is assigned to one of the following categories: tools and methods, overseas USG locations from which operations are undertaken, foreign officials and systems that NSA has targeted, encryption that NSA has broken, ISPs or platforms that NSA …

Berto Jongman: Atrocities Etcetera + Best of Ukraine 1.7

9/11: CIA black operation murders Philip Marshall? (Wayne Madsen) BITCOIN: arrest of operators of two exchanges BOOK: Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict CHINA: annual urban exodus tracked by Baida CONGO: ambush of commander CONGO: situation worsening CYBER: cash registers – crime wave

Betty Boop: Tomgram on Nick Turse, Secret Wars, & Black Ops Blowback — US Government Learning Impaired & Morally Challenged

Tomgram: Nick Turse, Secret Wars and Black Ops Blowback Nick Turse is the author of Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam, just now out in paperback. Tom: These days, when I check out the latest news on Washington’s global war-making, I regularly find at least one story that fits a new …

David Swanson: Chelsea Manning Awarded Sam Adams Integrity Prize for 2014

Chelsea Manning Awarded Sam Adams Integrity Prize for 2014 Announcement by Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) The Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) have voted overwhelmingly to present the 2014 Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence to Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning.

Stephen E. Arnold: Only 58% of US-UK Companies and Information Governance Policies

Recommind Survey Shows Stats Related to Information Governance January 16, 2014 The article titled Bridging the Global Information Governance Gap on IDM offers more governance advice from the findings of Recommind’s survey of US and UK companies. The survey posed questions related to information governance (IG), which is “a cross-departmental approach to optimising [sic] the …

4th Media: Wayne Madsen – US Counterintelligence Locked Down to Protect Zionist Penetrations?

Wayne Madsen via 4th Media In an interview with the reactionary right-wing Fox News network, former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey said U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden «should be prosecuted for treason. If convicted by a jury of his peers, he should be hanged by his neck until he is dead». Woolsey, …