Marcus Aurelius: Snowden Says “Mission Accomplished”

IMHO, Snowden needs to experience being the object of an “extraordinary rendition” and then be warehoused incommunicado at either GTMO or one of the Supermax facilities.  Too bad that appears tactically infeasible at the moment. Edward Snowden, after months of NSA revelations, says his mission’s accomplished By Barton Gellman Washington Post, December 23, 2013 Phi Beta …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Staff

126 Journalists Killed in 2013 — Many in Syria (Reuters) Data VIsualizations in Journalism (Zeit) FARC Waging War While Talking Peace (InSightCrime) GCHQ Monitoring of Allied Politicians (Spiegel) Israeli Banks Being Blackmailed Over Details of 3.7 Million Customers

NATO WATCH: Time for a No-Spy Zone? Or More Realistically, Time for EU/NATO to Discover Open Source Intelligence with Integrity?

NATO Watch Comment: Time to establish a ‘No Spy Zone’ in NATO? By Dr Ian Davis, NATO Watch Director 22 November 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Disclosure of US intelligence surveillance activities in Germany and other allied countries has aroused angry political and public reaction in those countries. The whistleblower Edward …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Age of Ambient Everything Anthropomorphic Machine – IBM’s Watson Cybersecurity Ecosystem Cybersecurity via the UN? Cyberwar Aspects Disarmament in Africa GCHQ Monitoring Hotel Reservations Global Development and Local Peacebuilding Guantanamo Protest Song (Vimeo) NSA Cost-Benefit Ratio on Surveillance: NEGATIVE NSA Overstated Threat from Snowden Leaks

John Steiner: From Sanity Central on NSA and the Surveillance State

“The potential of the surveillance  state goes way beyond anything in George Orwell’s 1984, (said Guardian Editor) Alan Rusbridger . ‘Orwell could never have imagined this concept of scooping up everything all the time’. The NSA stories were ‘clearly’ not about totalitarianism, but an infrastructure had been created that could be dangerous if it fell …