Neal Rauhauser: Cyber-Security Global Knowledge Network

Worth a look. ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network Posted on May 20, 2012 by icscybersecurity ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network The Industrial Control System Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ICS-ISAC) is part of the Global Knowledge Network (GKN). The Global Knowledge Network has been evolving for a number of years and is …

Yoda: Pope Acknowledges Corrupt Gay Cabal Across Vatican & Church

Good, this is. Pope ‘admits that gay prelate network exists’ Leaked notes from private meeting show pontiff speaking about a ‘stream of corruption’ The pope has admitted the existence of a network of gay prelates in the Vatican, reports published on Tuesday said. According to leaked notes of a private conversation with Catholic officials at …

Owl: 2013 Bilderberg Group Meeting – List of Acknowledged Participants

The annual Bilderberger secret meeting of the 1% of the 1% comprising bankers, lawyers, industry titans, academics politicians and the super-rich policy setters is meeting this week at the Grove Hotel, a golf resort in Watford, Hertfordshire, UK. Though the media scrambles to provide front-page coverage on celebrities (especially when they died or gets caught …

Search: intelligence and knowledge development

This is what NATO and Africa Command call their J-2 over-arching concept.  It is a useful concept, although it needs to be taken several steps further and also needs to be properly funded.  Right now it is a shadow puppet that lacks proper multi-lingual multinational sourcing, processing, and analysis, both human and machine.  Our over-arching …