25-27 Apr 2013 GWU Wash DC OLKC (Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference)

You are cordially invited to attend the 2013 Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities conference (OLKC) April 25-27, 2013 in Washington, D.C., USA. The OLKC annual conference provides a meeting point for those interested in the field and offers an excellent opportunity for leading scholars, young researchers, and scholar-practitioners to profit from discussion and lively exchange …

25-27 February 2013 Paris, France, Toward Knowledge Societies for Peace and Sustainable Development WSIS+10 Review Event UNESCO — Remote Participatiion Possible

WSIS+10 Review Event, 25-27 February 2013 Homepage Full Programme Open Consultation: Recommendations Feature Stories Supporters and Partners Practical Information Each session has a Cisco WebEx link for remote participation: enter your First Name, Last Name (surname), e-mail address, and the password: wsis – For technical problems, send a message to: assistance.wsis@gmail.com or call or text …

Patrick Meier: Does Big Data Lead to a Knowledge Society? No.

Big Data for Development: From Information to Knowledge Societies? Unlike analog information, “digital information inherently leaves a trace that can be analyzed (in real-time or later on).” But the “crux of the ‘Big Data’ paradigm is actually not the increasingly large amount of data itself, but its analysis for intelligent decision-making (in this sense, the term ‘Big …

Mini-Me: Carnal Knowledge of LBJ, CIA, Big Oil Et Al

Huh? UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2012-03-07  Lyndon Johnson was bisexual and he had sex with his grandmother – Ray Hill read LBJ’s sexual history interview at the Kinsey Institute in the mid 1960’s 2012-10-16  Madeleine Brown, LBJ & Driskill Hotel – 12/31/63 2012-01-28  Bibliography of 1000 Books to read on the JFK Assassination, aka 1963 Coup d’Etat …

Mini-Me: The Prosecution of Aaron Swartz: Sharing Knowledge Is a Greater Crime Than Bringing Down the Economy

Huh? The Prosecution of Aaron Swartz: Sharing Knowledge Is a Greater Crime Than Bringing Down the Economy Ali Hayat Huffington Post, 13 January 2013 Aaron Swartz is no longer among us though the contributions he made to promote free flow of information and knowledge sharing will continue to benefit our present and future generations. He …

Berto Jongman: Internet of Things Changing the World — But Still No True Cost Self-Knowledge

How the Internet of everything will change the world From the Internet of Things (IoT), where we are today, we are just beginning to enter a new realm: the Internet of Everything (IoE), where things will gain context awareness, increased processing power, and greater sensing abilities, says Cisco in their blog. Add people and information …

9 Nov 2010 Washington DC Borders and the Internet A workshop on social media, surveillance, and knowledge production

Borders and the Internet A workshop on social media, surveillance, and knowledge production Despite the promises and growth of digital social networks and the Web, social tensions and boundaries pervade our everyday “virtual” communications, shaped by a number of cultural, national and structural borders.  Come help us explore the current (r)evolutions of the global Internet. …