Tom Atlee: Andy Heben on Tent City Urbanism – From Homeless Camps to Self-Organizing Tiny House Villages

Self-managed villages of tiny houses => many solutions! Self-managed villages of tiny houses can address many of the ills of homelessness, middle class struggles, civic belt-tightening, sustainability, quality of life issues, and more. Andy Heben is a pioneer bringing this vision into the world, especially in the US, with good research and on-the-ground accomplishments behind …

DefDog: Video (1:00:27) Lee Smith on ‘The Permanent Coup’; Clinesmith Likely Just 1st Indictment | American Thought Leaders

#russianinterference #kevinclinesmith #spygate 00:00 “Two-tiered system of justice” 1:11 What is “The Permanent Coup”? 5:25 Where are we at in the Flynn case? 9:38 Are indictments coming in the Durham probe? 25:29 “Third world politics” in America 32:19 How does China fit into “The Permanent Coup”? 56:20 How was surveilling the Trump campaign related to …

Sidney Powell: John Gleeson is Duplicitous (A Liar) Delivering a Wrap-Up Smear (Defamation with Malice) Against General Mike Flynn

Powell Files Stunning Motion Against Gleeson: It’s A ‘wrap-up smear’ against Flynn. “Amicus is lost down the rabbit hole on the other side of the looking glass— where “nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it …