Winslow Wheeler: Who Really Runs the Pentagon?

It’s not Chuck Hagel.  I explain in a commentary at Foreign Policy at, and below. The Men Who Really Run the Pentagon Bob Gates wrestled the defense budget back from the Joint Chiefs. Chuck Hagel is handing it back. Winslow Wheeler Winslow T. Wheeler is the director of the Straus Military Reform Project at …

Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Obsesses on Sexual Political Correctness, Providing for the Common Defense an Afterthought

Nothing to dispute here. We haven’t seen a National Security Strategy or National Military Strategy in years. The sexual assault issue is virtually all-consuming.  My own two-star, one of the Army’s better flag-level intellects, will soon (or may already have) take charge of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting  program at OSD level.  In fairness, …

Marcus Aurelius: Pentagon Fiscal Chief “Nervous” + DoD Transformation RECAP

Pentagon fiscal chief Robert Hale: ‘I am nervous’ “Frankly, I am nervous,” says Robert Hale, the Pentagon’s comptroller. And with reason. A month and half into the new fiscal year, Congress can’t seem to decide between what are three, wildly different scenarios for Hale’s world in 2014. The House endorsed most of President Barack Obama’s …

Steve Aftergood: Pentagon Drone Program Cut in Half, New Military Doctrine

PENTAGON DRONE PROGRAMS TAPER OFF, AND NEW MIL DOCTRINE The Department of Defense budget for research and procurement of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones, is on a distinctly downward slope. The FY 2014 budget request included $2.3 billion for research, development, and procurement of unmanned aerial systems, a decrease of $1.1 billion from the …